Wednesday, October 14, 2015

One Strategy: Exponential Meal Choices

It is so much easier to cook for yourself and eat foods that you love. Don't feel like cooking, Peanut butter and banana slices on toasted sesame bread rocks. But when you have a family the equation changes. One person loves spicy food, others don't. Couple people absolutely adore avocados and the others can't even look at them let alone eat them. One child loves toasted and crunchy everything other one wants it soft and doughy. Parents visiting, they are vegetarians. Ummm what do you do in this situation? How do you make mealtimes work for you? How does one meal fit all these variables.

Lets briefly get into the nutritive aspects of food. In a nutshell here are 3 main Macro Nutrients namely, Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat that constitute each meal. Lean Protein comes from meats, eggs, tofu and soy. Carbohydrates are found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Fats are found in butter, oils, avocado, nuts and cheeses/some dairy products. Now to have a balanced meal your plate should consist of these 3 macros. 

What has helped me keep my sanity are adaptable meals that will fit all these variables like a sofa that turns into a bed, making it multi-purpose. So the workaround solution is to configure one meal with all different options that will please everyone on the table. These meals are both modular and complete. 

Have you ever ordered the taco bowl at Chipotle, just because you did not want too many carbs that day, you had the option to customize it however you like with the choice of meat and beans, with or without hot salsa, rice, cheese, sour cream, avocado etc etc etc. Now bring that concept to your dinner table and problem solved. You can make your own customized plates with one main dish decorated with the toppings that you love and want. My boys absolutely love customizing their own dinners.

Dinner option
Additional Toppings
 Main Protein
Pickled vegetables, olives, pickled garlic and banana peppers (spicy), Baguette
Cured Meats and Salami
Bread and grilled vegetables
Cheeses and meats
Mixed Chicken and Vegetable soup
Hot sauce, chopped cilantro, soy sauce, garlic bread
Vegetables, garlic bread
Spaghetti  Meatball
Chopped parsley, Parmesan cheese, red pepper flakes, extra drizzle of olive oil, marinara sauce.
Butter, Avocado, olive oil
Salad and grilled protein
Choice of dressings, choice of carbohydrate (you can pick what you like)
Pick from Tofu or lean meats or steak
Vegetables, risotto, brown rice or dinner rolls
Meats, butter, olive oil
Buttered pasta with cheese
Pesto, pasta sauce, pine nuts, avocado, fresh herbs
Bits of bacon or grilled chicken
Steamed Broccolini or tossed salad, Pasta
Shredded lettuce, pickled jalepenos, shredded Mexican cheese, tortillas, brown rice, Avocado/guacamole, pico de gallo etc.
Grilled chicken
Sauted onions and bell peppers, lettuce, tortillas, brown rice
Olive oil, cheese, avocado

Hope this gives you ideas to plan some fun and creative family meals that will please your youngest to the oldest audience. Don't forget to leave comments and feedback. Thank you.

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