Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Protein Shakes: To do or not to do

Wish you all a very Happy New year. Hope 2017 may be the year to flourish and achieve new heights.

I have been MIA and taking a sort of break from social media. I have been more focused on healthier eating and being more physically active. I don’t have any resolutions for 2017 but for bringing about some change in habits.

Which brings me to the topic of healthy eating. I have been reading a lot of nutrition based articles and trying to keep an open mind on the stuff I have read. I am not a big proponent of pushing on protein/protein shakes in conjunction with exercise and lifting weights. I have always felt them unnecessary and an overload on the body and organs to process it all. This is not just my concern but a lot of friends who feel the same way.

A recent article by Dr. Spencer Nadolsky (link to article: Protein shakes for weight Loss ) answers some of the general concerns and myths in a very simple and concise way that spoke to me for the very first time. Usually it is someone endorsing a product and pushing it on people and marketing it as a miracle cure for all your health and weight related problems that were an instant turn off.  

I would encourage you to read the article and then make up your mind and decide if its for you or not. I am not saying I am suddenly a believer but it has shed some positive light on the benefits of supplementing with protein shakes. There is nothing better than real food, fruits and vegetables but in today’s world where time to prep and prepare a meal can sometimes be a struggle, this is a great option than getting your hands on anything that comes in front of you. 

I rarely do protein shakes but when I do use them in smoothies, my favorite one is from IsoPure that I buy from VitaCost. ( http://www.vitacost.com ). Hope this helps clear some things for you.

I like to keep mine as low in calories as possible. I like to peel and cut the overripe bananas that no one will eat and freeze them in a ziploc bag to use in smoothies especially if I am on the go and have nothing prepared in advance meal wise.

1 scoop Protein powder of choice
1/2 frozen banana
handful of Power Greens Trio (baby Spinach or baby kale blends)

Blend it all together.


  1. does not spoil in it's dry form and is consistent in it's protein content across a batch - eggs are of course, protein shake blenders

  2. Here are some delicious non-protein shake recipes you can make with your protein powder:

    1. Thanks a lot 🙏🏽. These look amazing. Looking forward to trying these soon.

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